Dry Skin Care Home Remedy


Dry Skin Care Home RemedyIf you happen to have skin that is dry, home remedy skin care options are probably on your mind quite often. To put it another way: those who have dry skin want it to go away! The good news is that there are a lot of options, though not all of them will work for everybody. Yes, it may take a bit of trial and error to find the remedy or remedies that work best for you, but it will be worth it if it means your skin looks and feels great.

A quick word of warning is in order. You should always talk to your doctor or dermatologist about any health concerns that you have. There is always a chance that your dry skin is the result of another health problem, and only a professional will know for sure.

Castor oil and avocado oil are two of the best natural oils for treating dry skin. Other oils that people have used with success include olive oil, safflower oil, almond oil, and Vitamin E oil. Each person is different, so try a few oils until you find one that’s a good match for you and your skin.

Go to your local health food store and get some green clay powder, along with raw (unpasteurized) honey. Make a mixture of these two ingredients and apply it anywhere that you have dry skin, being careful to avoid getting too close to your eyes. Let the mixture sit for about fifteen minutes before gently rinsing it away with lukewarm water.

Aloe vera gel is a very effective remedy for dry skin. It has healing properties that are well-known. You can either buy aloe vera gel at the store, or grow an aloe vera plant in your home. If you choose the latter, simply break off a leaf as needed and squeeze the liquid onto your skin.

So, your skin is dry, home remedy skin care is important but you’re not sure what else you can do? What may surprise you is that skin care is about more than just taking care of your skin; it’s about taking care of your entire body. Regular exercise improves your overall health and makes your heart beat more efficiently, allowing blood to circulate better and nourish your skin the way it should. Getting plenty of sleep will help your body to repair itself at night, and that includes repairing your skin. Avoiding the use of alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine will also work wonders on improving your skin.

Another dry home remedy skin care option is to stay hydrated, on both the inside and the outside. Drink plenty of water to make sure you are hydrated on the inside. If you live in a dry environment, then humidifying the air will hydrate your skin from the outside. Whichever method you choose, it’s important to remember that you there is a solution that will give you skin that not only looks better, but feels better too!

Via http://ift.tt/1IqPJqc

Natural Therapy for Relief from Insomnia


Natural Therapy for Relief from InsomniaInsomnia! Talk about an awful condition to be suffering from. Having a difficult time falling asleep or staying asleep happens to all of us on occasion, but when the problem doesn’t go away or impacts life in a negative way, then getting it treated is a good idea. Natural therapy to relieve insomnia is often an ideal choice because you don’t have to worry about relying on drugs, or getting addicted to them.

Just to be clear, if your doctor has already prescribed something, you should continue taking it unless they advise you otherwise. Stopping medication without proper oversight can lead to even bigger problems.

Meditation is one of the most natural ways to relax and get a good night of restful sleep. Try anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes of meditation just prior to bedtime. You will not only rid yourself of some of the stresses of the day, but you will also be putting your body into sleep mode. You can learn how to meditate on your own, or you can choose from any number of guided meditations for sleep.

Many people have found that aromatherapy is useful tool for drifting off to sleep. Essential oils such as sandalwood and eucalyptus produce a calming effect that can relieve your insomnia. You can add it to warm bathwater shortly before bed, or put a few drops on a handkerchief that you place under your pillow. The key is to enjoy the aroma, but to not have it so strong that it becomes distracting. You can also combine aromatherapy and meditation for a one-two punch that will have you sleeping like a baby.

If you aren’t lactose intolerant, then you may try a glass of warm milk. Your grandparents probably used this remedy, and for good reason. Food and beverage plays a major role in your ability to sleep. Avoiding eating a heavy meal too close to bedtime, and don’t eat anything that may give you heartburn. Many people like to have a bit of alcohol prior to retiring, but having a nightcap will actually contribute to sleeplessness. It’s also a good idea to not drink too much water in the evening; otherwise you may have to get up in the middle of the night to relieve yourself.

There are a few natural supplements that have been shown to help people beat insomnia. Valerian root seems to work by relaxing the central nervous system. Melatonin is naturally produced by your body, but it can also be purchased as a supplement. Melatonin is one of the most important chemicals for falling asleep, and a natural supplement of it may be just what you need.

Having a regular schedule for sleeping will get your body used to falling asleep at a certain time. Be sure that you only use the bedroom for sleeping (no television, no eating, etc.), and that it is at a comfortable temperature. Combine these things with natural therapy to relieve insomnia and you will ultimately get a good night’s sleep.

Via http://ift.tt/22nYEPC

#ThatsLeadership Study for Thursday- October 1st


Pastor Audrey Warren of First United Methodist Church of Miami takes on the book of James in her sermon series that's all about leadership. This week ends the series with James 5: 13-20

Pastor Audrey Warren of First United Methodist Church of Miami takes on the book of James in her sermon series that’s all about leadership. This week ends the series with James 5: 13-20

“Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed.” James 5:16

  • Confession is hard.
  • How do we confess and why?
  • Our tradition teaches us the confession is part of cleansing our soul and getting something off our chest. Although there is no requirement to tell someone it does help to keep us accountable.
  • Today consider confessing something to someone you trust and pray for the courage to do it.

#UMC http://ift.tt/1hUjL5B

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Via Michele Chapman’s Blog

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#ThatsLeadership Study for Wednesday- September 30th


#ThatsLeadership Study - James 5:14 Wednesday September 30th 2015 First United Methodist Church of Miami

Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord.” James 5:14

  • Asking others to pray for us is hard some times. Yet, that is one of the reasons the church exist…to pray for one another!
  • Today possibly share with someone you trust a prayer concern. Maybe it is an illness or just a concern.

#UMC http://ift.tt/1hUjL5B

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Via Michele Chapman’s Blog

Via http://ift.tt/1QKpF8e

#ThatsLeadership Study for Tuesday- September 29th



#ThatsLeadership Study - James 5:13b Tuesday September 29th 2015 First United Methodist Church of Miami“Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise.” James 5:13b

  • At times many of us are joyful about something and we also forget to give thanks to God and sing!
  • Today remember that all good gifts in life are from God.
  • Turn to God today in praise for the thing you are joyful about.
  • Possibly even find a hymn or praise song and play it while you pray.

#UMC http://ift.tt/1hUjL5B

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Via Michele Chapman’s Blog

Via http://ift.tt/1KH7fUA

#ThatsLeadership Study for Monday- September 28th 


#ThatsLeadership Study - James 5:13a Monday September 28th 2015 First United Methodist Church of Miami

“Are any among you suffering? They should pray.” James 5:13a

  • At times in our suffering the last thing we think to do is pray.
  • James reminds us that in every and all suffering we should turn to God.
  • God does not require that we live this life alone but that we call out to God for comfort and help.
  • Today pray to God and share your sufferings with God.

#UMC http://ift.tt/1hUjL5B

Slide deck for this week’s study on SlideShare

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Via Michele Chapmapn’s Blog

Via http://ift.tt/1VmdkII

#ThatsLeadership Sermon Series Study Guide Week 5


Pastor Audrey winds up her sermon series on the book of James this week with prayer.  The 5th chapter of James has much to say about the subject, and after all the encouragement to live a life of leadership and to reach for and find the wisdom that comes from heaven, encouragement to a life of prayer is an amazing way to end this journey.



Via Michele Chapman’s Blog

#UMC http://ift.tt/1hUjL5B

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#ThatsLeadership Study for Friday- September 25th


#ThatsLeadership Study - James 4:8 Friday September 25th 2015 First United Methodist Church of Miami

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” James 4:8

  • God does not force God’s self in our lives. Yet, God is willing to be part of our lives if we simply ask.
  • Consider how you might draw near to God throughout your day. Possibly you can pray on the 7s of each hour. Maybe you can print out your favorite Psalm and keep it on your desk or mirror.

#UMC http://ift.tt/1hUjL5B

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Via Michele Chapman’s Blog

Via http://ift.tt/1Ves4tg

#ThatsLeadership Study for Thursday- September 24th


#ThatsLeadership Study - James 4:7 Thursday September 24th 2015 First United Methodist Church of Miami

“Submit yourselves therefore to God.” James 4:7

  • Each of us submit ourselves to so many things each day: traffic, debt, bosses, work.
  • Today James invites us to submit ourselves to God.
  • Today submit to God by trusting God and relying on God’s wisdom in each decision you make.

#UMC http://ift.tt/1hUjL5B

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Via Michele Chapman’s Blog

Via http://ift.tt/1NNRr4G

#ThatsLeadership Study for Wednesday- September 23rd


#ThatsLeadership Study - James 4:1 Wendesday September 23rd 2015 First United Methodist Church of Miami

“Those conflicts and disputes among you, where do they come from? Do they not come from your cravings that are at war within you?” James 4:1

  • What disputes in the last week have come out of your own selfishness or cravings?
  • Confess to God these disputes.
  • Pray for direction and guidance.
  • Find a way to say sorry and rebuild the relationship.

#UMC http://ift.tt/1hUjL5B

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Via Michele Chapman’s Blog

Via http://ift.tt/1NLgIfR